fitness freaks

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why natural???

For those who are out there tangled between being full natty or half natty(natty is created term by Matt ogus . Natty means natural gains and half natty means some natural and some cycle gains). so, first let's talk about being full natty.

Being full blown natty,is it possible..???

In early years , before steriodic age . There was a guy named eugen sandow known as father of modern bodybuilding and first natural body builder. pics and description are below.
Eugen Sandow

Eugen Sandow

Now,the question pops up in our minds , does anabolic steroids  exist in early years ??? The answer is simply  !!No!!. The existence of anabolic steroids didn't took place in 1920s, It took place in 1930s .

Now welcome to steriodic age !!!

What are anabolic steroids ???
Anabolic steroids,  for example most commonly used steroid known as depo testosterone. A male body already consist of testosterone hormone and for female body it's called estrogen. Now, if our body is made with such  hormones internally and naturally  ,so why inject externally???Why??
Answer is simple, our body has some limitations or some boundaries which are not meant to be crossed, but what anabolic juice does, it increases the efficiency of protein in our body so that your muscle fiber can stretch more and you can gain more muscles..illustrative diagram is below.

How steroid works

Now, is taking anabolic steroids is safe or unsafe???

This is dark secret and the dirty truth. let's hear from R&DS(research and development centers) below is the report from director of NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE

Anabolic steriod abuse

OK, let's not deviate from our title WHY NATURAL??? 

Why natural ?  it has less chances of tearing up of your muscle fibers ,"i said less " That doesn't mean,  a full natty muscles does not tear,it might,out of improper form of exercising. But as you may have seen, many pro bodybuilders retired due to muscle tear or injury . Why so?? anabolic steroids plays important role on very fast healing of muscles "fast" Means with adverse effect also. It regenerates the muscles but weakens the fiber because no natural regeneration of muscle takes place and causes frequent tearing of muscles. 

Why natural ? you don't need to cut down your water or salt, until unless you are competing.
 cutting down your water or salt, what's a big deal in it.?? Let's see.

In 1988, pro bodybuilder Albert Beckles collapses and convulses while on stage. He is subsequently resuscitated by paramedics and found to be suffering from diuretic-induced dehydration.

In 1992, pro bodybuilder Mohammed Benaziza dies after competing in a contest in Europe. An autopsy shows that he was severely dehydrated and experienced cardiovascular failure. He was age 33. He had used a combination of diuretics for the show.

In 1994, pro bodybuilder Paul Dillett cramps onstage while posing at the Arnold Classic. He is carted off the stage. Once again, the problem was extreme dehydration and electrolyte imbalance caused by Paul’s use of Lasix. Paul survived.

There was also the 1996 case of Andreas Munzer, renowned for his freaky conditioning, who died after his liver and kidneys failed. The autopsy revealed his electrolytes were completely out of balance.

How  much worth is your  life ??? You decide.

Side effects of steroids
Side effects of steroids

Lactose intolerance ,completely avoiding lactose is not possible. 80% of weigh protein are made from milk products and cheese is byproduct. So,sufficient amount of lactose is required for strengthening of bones .

If any rookie out there I would recommend him to first nourish his body with organic supplements (not bodybuilding supplements) multi vitamins ,omega 3 fatty acid etc. I am not as biased to anabolic body building supplements as to anabolic steroids. it's your free will .

But, if you are going for strength building, what I say



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